1. Olive Oil - Not only do the monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil support healthy arteries and a healthy heart, but olive oil also contains polyphenols, a potent anti-oxidant that may help prevent a number of age-related diseases. We recommend organic extra virgin olive oil for the most anti-aging bang for your buck.
2. Resveratrol - Red Grapes, Juice or Wine or Black Grapes - That's right, a daily serving may indeed have a positive effect on your health due to its Resveratrol content, a unique anti-oxidant that can help fight against diabetes, heart disease, and age-related memory loss.
3. Beans - The unique proteins in beans thicken and strengthen your hair cells, so you can enjoy a full head of hair as you lengthen your years. :)
4. Brazil Nuts - Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral which aids in the production of the anti-oxidant glutathione to help slow down the skin aging process. Just 2 nuts a day will provide you with enough selenium to reap its anti-aging benefits.
5. Tomatoes - Tomatoes, especially cooked and canned, are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to support heart health and healthy cholesterol levels as you age. Lycopene also acts as a natural sun block to keep skin youthful and protected from harmful UV rays.
6. Raspberries, Blueberries and Strawberries - These two berries contain important anti-oxidants to help offset inflammation and oxidative stress that contribute to skin aging and wrinkles. Just one serving of either or these berries contains more anti-oxidants than 10 servings of most other fruits and vegetables!
7. Organic Eggs - Despite the bad rap eggs get because of their cholesterol content, which is based on completely erroneous science, eggs are rich in biotin and iron which help to promote healthy, youthful skin and hair.